1000 Page Impressions!
Wow! Im really surprised that this simple blog was able to reach 1000 page impressions :) Today is the 1st week that this blog has existed and I thank all of you who were kind enough to spare some of your precious time in reading what is presented in this blog :) I do hope this blog has helped you appreciate the beauty that is technical analysis. But I have to warn you not to be deceived by beauty. Beauty alone will not help you escape the rat race (although for some really tempting individuals it is... more on that when I make a porn site... hehehe... joke... well, not really... show of hands all those who are in favor of making a porn site!). Technical analysis is a skill that needs to be practiced in order to be used as a tool/instrument for us to be able to overcome our emotions and become sound traders (super traders anyone? Mr./Ms. 400% club?).
Again thank you for your time and effort in reading all this :)
Good luck in your trades and God Bless! :)
PS: Please visit the Absolute Traders website for Basic and Advance lessons in Technical Analysis. If the schedule is not appropriate for you but you are willing to learn Technical Analysis I can be of service and try to bridge that desire to learn. Also I have just realized that those ads placed on this blog contain some useful information and some free stuff that can help you learn more about technical analysis and trading. But be careful with what you learn :)
Again thank you for your time and effort in reading all this :)
Good luck in your trades and God Bless! :)
PS: Please visit the Absolute Traders website for Basic and Advance lessons in Technical Analysis. If the schedule is not appropriate for you but you are willing to learn Technical Analysis I can be of service and try to bridge that desire to learn. Also I have just realized that those ads placed on this blog contain some useful information and some free stuff that can help you learn more about technical analysis and trading. But be careful with what you learn :)
Tnx ulit boss Mike!